Q) How does Compare The Man And Van work?
A) How it works is people who need a Man and Van service come to our website and enter their details. Compare the Man and Van then calculate your prices + the customer’s details and show your quotes on the website. Customers can then book your quote instantly for dates / times you select from inside your personal CMV account. When a customer books your service you are sent an instant text message + email that has all of your customer’s contact details + the location details + the payment details.
Q) Is it free to join Compare The Man And Van?
A) Yes, you pay nothing to join.
Q) How do I join Compare The Man And Van?
A) Click the word ‘drivers’ on the homepage of the website and complete the ‘join us’ page.
Q) What happens after I have joined?
A) As soon as you have joined you will receive an instant welcome email that explains everything about the job and what to do next.
Q) How do I login to my account?
A) Login to your account using the password you create when you first join.
Q) How do I upload my documents?
A) Upload the images of your documents in the documents section of your account or email them to us and we will upload them to your acount for you.
Q) I don’t understand the pricing form
A) If you are not sure what prices are competitive in your area contact Compare the Man and Van and we will go through your prices with you.
Q) What do I do in the profile section of my account?
A) The profile section is where you can sell your services to the customer by uploading pictures and writing a personal statement about your services.
Q) How does the calendar work in the availability section of my account?
A) The calendar is where you control when you are not available for work. Simply click on the dates / times that you are unavailable and the word unavailable will show in red. This means that if a customer enters a quote for the dates / times you are unavailable, your quotes will not be shown on our website.
Q) How do I make myself available on the calendar?
A) If you are available, leave the calendar blank and then your quotes will be shown to customers for the dates / times you are available.
Q) How do I remove the red unavailable wording on my calendar?
A) Click on red unavailable wording then click the OK button on the grey pop up that appears on your screen.
Q) What does the blue available now button do inside my account?
A) You should click this button if you are available and want work straight away. When this button is clicked customers will see that you are available for straight away on the quotes page. This increases the chances of you winning an ad-hoc booking.
Q) What does the blue accept booking button mean on my booking confirmation emails?
A) Click the Blue Accept Booking button on the email confirmations we send you. This means we know you are aware of the booking and do not need to call you.
Q) What are job offer emails?
A) When a driver gives us a booking back we email the booking out to all active drivers. The first driver to click the blue accept booking button is sent the job. This has proved very handy for back load work.
Q) Do we sell job leads?
A) No, any work you win with us is a confirmed booking that has been quoted already based on the prices you selected inside your account.
Q) Do I need to have my own van?
A) Yes, you will need your own Van for your account to be activated.
Q) Can I use a hired van?
A) Yes, hired vans are absolutely fine.
Q) How do I get paid?
A) There are two ways you can be paid: either in cash by the customer or by direct bank transfer.
Q) What information do you need to send my money?
A) If you are owed money that has been paid on credit card we will contact you before the booking is due to start and request you send us your account number and sort code. We never request bank details until you actually win an account job.
Q) What is a account job?
A) An account job is when the customer pays the full value of the job on credit card when booking your service on-line.
Q) What is Compare The Man And Van’s fee?
A) When customers book your Van, your fee is 67% of the on-line price. For example, if a customer books your Van for 3 hours your fee is 67% and Compare the Man and Van’s fee is 33%. If the same job takes 5 hours to complete you charge the customer your hourly rate x2 extra and the customer pays this to you directly in cash, you keep all of this money and send us nothing.
Q) Tell me more about payments…
A) There are two ways for customers to pay:
- Customers can pay 33% by card when confirming the booking on the website and then pay you the remaining 67% in cash at the end of the job.
- Customers can pay the full on-line price by credit card (account job) If a customer pays in full by credit card Compare The Man And Van will contact you before the job and ask you to send us your account number and sort code so we can send your money. We always pay any account money owed every Friday after next (one week in hand).
Q) What do I do if a job is inside the congestion zone?
A) If a booking starts or finishes in the congestion zone on a weekday (national holidays excluded) between 07:00AM – 18:00PM then you need to inform the customer before entering the zone that there is an £11.50 additional charge that will need to be paid in cash to you at the end of the job. We do clearly display this information to customers on the website.
T – Charge Zone
If a booking starts or finishes in the congestion zone on a weekday (national holidays excluded) between 07:00am – 18:00pm and your vehicle’s ?age is 2005 or older? then you cannot charge the customer £10.00 ?for the ?T – Charge.
Q) What do I do if I am late to a booking?
A) If you are delayed / late to a booking you need to contact the customer or compare the Man and Van before to the booked pick up time.
Q) What do I do if a booking over runs which means I will be late to my next booking?
A) If a booking lasts longer than the booked the time which means you will be delayed to your next booking, contact Compare the Man and Van before the next booking is due to start 0203 455 8696 as much notice as possible would be greatly appreciated.
Q) What do I do if my van brakes down before a booking?
A) If your van has broken down and you can not get to your booking contact Compare the Man and Van on 0203 455 8696 ASAP.
Q) What happens if I can not do a booking?
A) In the event you can not cover a booking you have won contact Compare the Man and Van 0203 455 8696 ASAP.
Q) Will I be charged for giving a booking back?
A) Yes, there is a £10.00 minimum charge + any extra money we have to pay another service provider to complete the booking. If you maintain your availability using your calendar you will not win work you cannot cover.
Q) Can I change the price if a customer wants to change the details of the booking?
A) Yes, If the customer wants to change their booking with you any charges added to the quote must be in conjunction with the rates you display on the website.
Q) Can customers travel in the van?
A) Yes, Compare the Man and Van do not charge customers to travel in the Van with and clearly display this on the website.
Q) Do I need to carry any equipment in the van?
A) Yes, Customers will expect you to have a minimum of 1 box trolley, 5 straps and 10 blankets on your van.
Q) Why do I need straps and blankets on my van?
A) If you do not know the answer to this question contact Compare the Man and Van straight away.
Q) Who’s responsibility is it to get the cash from the customer?
A) If you are on a cash booking it is the drivers responsibility to attain payment from the customer, remember once you win the booking you own it
Q) What do i do if the customer needs a bigger van?
A) If the customer needs a bigger van than they have ordered and you are already in a bigger van you can upgrade the price in accordance with the rates you display on our website or consider doing multiple trips/runs and adding your millage charge per mile extra on to the quote total. (google maps / sat-nav) if you need help with this call 0203 455 8696.
Q) How can I remember all of my different prices?
A) By writing down your prices and keeping them on the van means you can show customers exactly how you have calculated any extra charges.
Q) How do customers know when the job clock has started?
A) Use the stop watch on your phone to time jobs, This makes it very clear to the customer when the job clock has started from
Q) How do I work out any additional mileage charges?
A) Use Google maps on your phone or a sat-nav to work out how many miles extra you are being asked to travel by the customer then X that number by your mileage charge per mile.
Q) What happens if you have to refund the customer because I am late?
A) If we have to refund the customer because a driver is late and has not contacted us the balance will be deducted from any account work money owed.
Q) How does Compare The Man And Van benefit me?
A) You are in complete control and win confirmed bookings at prices, dates / times you decide.
- You can put your prices up and down any time.
- You don’t pay a sign up fee to join.
- You don’t pay for any advertising or marketing to promote your services.
- You can create your own profile and sell your services to customers from inside your account.
- You can build a great reputation using previous customer reviews.
Q) What is a Gold driver?
A) Gold drivers displayed on our website are all fully insured.
Q) Can you help me become a fully insured driver?
A) Yes, we have a partnership with Goods In Transit Direct who can offer you a discount on goods in transit + public liability insurances because you are a compare the Man and Van member.
Q) Can I say no to pets in my van?
A) Yes, if you do not want customers pets in your van please display this information to customers on your profile page.